Contact Information

Bodo Giannone  
Tanja Giannone-Schwager  
Anything concerning LINUX-Projects  
Emergency Communication    --  The subject HAS to start with: //WL2K   --   Please read "How to Send Email to a Winlink Address" for explanation.

If you try to contact us during our stay abroad and do not get an answer in a reasonable timeframe please consider that we may not have internet access. In this case we plan to activate our "Emergency Communication" address via ham radio and you may be able to contact us this way. Please notice that the subject of the email HAS TO start with: //WL2K

Wenn Sie uns während unserer Zeit im Ausland zu kontaktieren versuchen und innerhalb nützlicher Frist keine Anwort erhalten, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass wir keine Internetverbindung haben. In diesem Fall planen wir unsere "Emergency Communication" Adresse über Amateurfunk zu aktivieren, über die Sie uns zu kontaktieren versuchen können. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Betreff der Winlink-Email UNBEDINGT wie folgt beginnen muss: //WL2K


Unfortunatelly the key is still outdated at the moment, but it will be replaced eventually.

My pgp public key has the id:  53451A1FE2D4A007
and the following fingerprint:  F285 8901 E39F DA29 1A52 DB2A 5345 1A1F E2D4 A007

You can get it from Your favourite keyserver or simply by clicking: Get my PGP-Public Key or local copy.


© 2003-2021 by Bodo Giannone, last changed: 2021/01/02, sim
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr !!!     Caveat lector